Many names encountered in this Archive may need some explaining. In addition to ancient names of Deity, one may notice the inclusion of the female principle in, or with, certain titles. This occurs overtly in some names such as Moshe-Zipporah or Enoch-Edni (Zipporah is the wife of Moshe or Moses, and Edni of Enoch), and covertly when a divine name is treated as plural, which denotes the many individuals standing unitedly behind that title. When this occurs, it is often more of a last “family” name or office, than a personal one. Also, when only an individual’s name is used, such as Mohonri, it is to be understood that other individuals, like his spouses or children, cannot be fully removed from this reference.
IAO - According to the ancient historians Theodoret, Diodorus Siculus and Clemens Alexandrinus, IAO is the ancient Hebrew version of the modern Jehovah, Yahweh, or God. This name of IAO also occurs in the ancient Askew Codex or Pistis Sophia. (In the Oracles text, IAO equates with Yahweh) When used in conjunction with Elohim, IAO refers to the masculine side of Deity.
ELOHIM - A Jewish term familiar to most Ephraimites. This term is used in the Oracles, in conjunction with IAO, to denote several Goddesses.
ATONAI - The Jews use the term Adonai, or Adonoy, to refer to the Lord in prayer. Atonai means “Lord”, or source of dawning light, when encountered in the Oracles. (The root of this word is Aton, which refers to the illuminating sun disc of Aumen-Ra.)
AMEN - Amen equates with God, the Father And Mother.
B'NAI-AMEN - Hebrew; B'nai-Amen (Children of Amen), referring to the Temple Order existent on Mt. Carmel among the Nasarene of Yeshua's day. (The B'nai-Amen are mentioned in ancient Nasurai (Mandean) scriptures - notably the Book of John the Baptist).
MASSHIACH - This word equates with Messiah and Christ, both meaning Anointed or Oil Smeared.
YESUA-MARIA (Yeshu-Maria) - "He shall save His people" in the Aramaic of the original Essene-Nasarenes. "Maria", meaning "His people", also denotes the "church", the "bride" of Yesua. Thus "Yesua-Maria dentotes not only the Essene Jesus, but also all those who are one in Him, even as He is one with the Father and Mother above.
HAPA-PHAROAH- or Hoe-Hoe-Oophah-Phaheh. This “Egyptian” word is akin to the term “theocracy”, yet implies a fully endowed society directly influenced by constant intervention by Amen. Pharoah and Pharoahess are offices within this Theocracy. Pharoah in Egyptian means “Holy House” in its primary sense and refers to individuals only as archetypes of that Holy House. Hapa means “hidden. Hapa-Pharoah therefore means Hidden Holy House or Temple Society. Pharoah and Hapa-Pharoah do not equate with King or Kingdom as modernly understood, for in such a society autocratic rulers would be redundant.
RUACH HAQADESH - Hebrew for Holy Spirit. Also Neshamah HaQadesh (Most Holy Spirit).
The Nazarenes of Mount Carmel
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