The Nazarenes of Mount Carmel |
Yeshua the Nazarean, is the Teacher of Righteousness of the Essene Nazarean Church of Mount Carmel. He guides and directs the earthly affairs of the B'nai-Amen - the Sons and Daughters of Amen.
Amen is an ancient name of the ultimate and most hidden Deity. Yeshua is the first creation of Amen. We who follow Yeshua in the ancient Way are called B'nai-Amen, which means - Children Of Amen.
Yeshua Ha Masshiach- Bios (Essene Jesus)
Name: Yesu, Yeshu, Yahshuah, or Yahowshua - the Essene Nazarite. (English: Jesus; Latin: IESVS; Greek: Iesous; Hebrew:Yeshu / Jeshu). Yeshu-Maria means "He saves His people." (Prices's study on the name of Yeshu).
"'Yeshu', as Jesus [Greek spelling] would actually have been addressed, means 'God Saves', and is merely a shortened form of the more old fashioned 'Yehoshua' ('Joshua' of the Old Testament). In the first century C.E. it would have been an extremely common name." - Ian Wilson, Jesus, The Evidence Titles: Redeemer, Savior, Christ, Messiah, Masshiach, Moreh Zadok, Teacher of Righteousness, Lord, Atonai, Adonai. The Nazarene. ("Nasrani", the Arab word for the Nasoreans, the followers of Jesus, also means "little fishes." )Lineage: Conceived and born to both Mariam and Yoseph the Nazarites of Mt. Carmel, of the royal lineage of David. An all natural conception was accompanied by a divine overshadowing of the Shekinah - hence a spiritual birth and a completely natural birth. When Isaiah had been translated into Greek, the Hebrew word almah (veiled), which meant a young woman of marriageable age was mistranslated as parthenos - virgin.. Had Isaiah meant Emanuel's mother to be a virgin he would have called her bethulah, the proper meaning of which is a virgin maiden. (Genesis 24:16; Leviticus 21:13; Deuteronomy 22:14,23,28; Judges 11:37; I Kings 1:2).
Matthew's original wording has been preserved only in an early Syriac codex, in which the genealogy concluded:
"And Jacob fathered Joseph, the husband of Mary, and he fathered Jesus, the reputed Messiah." - Matthew 1:16All surviving Greek manuscripts contain the revised genealogy:
"And Jacob fathered Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, the reputed Messiah." - Matthew 1:16
"Since the thesis that Jesus became Yahweh's son by adoption at his immersion was incompatible with the interpolated - Matthew's virgin birth myth, post Nicene Christians expurgated the line, 'Today I have become your father', from the synoptic gospels, and substituted, 'in whom I am well pleased.' "That 'Today I have become your father' was the wording of Matthew until at least 160 CE is attested by Justin Martyr in his Dialogue with Trpho (103); while evidence that Luke contained that wording until after 400 CE can be found in Augustine's Reply to Faustus the Manichaean (23:2)." - William Harwood, Mythologies Last Gods: Yahweh and Jesus"...There still survived of the Lord's family the grandsons of Jude, who was said to be His brother, humanly speaking. These were informed against as being of David's line and brought...before Domitian Caesar...Domitian asked them whether they were descended from David, and they admitted it...."
- Eusebius, The History of the Church from Christ to ConstantineJesus's grandnephews "acknowledged their royal descent when Domitian [81-96 C.E.] arrested them for the purpose of putting into effect a plan first conceived by Vespasian of exterminated the entire Davidic family. Domitian changed his mind and released them when he concluded that they were too simple to be dangerous.
"Domitian's failure to execute the extremely competent Shimeown bar Klofas is more difficult to fathom. Perhaps he took pity on the Head Nazirite because of his advanced age and because the surviving Davidic heirs would soon enough solve his problem by dying childless. Such compassion would have been inconsistent with surviving portraits of Domitian's character; but then few historians regard it as coincidence that the Emperors of whom only unfavorable biographies survive tended to be those who took the severest measures to protect the empire from the malevolence of the Christians. Following the deaths of Shimeown (whom Trajan did execute in 105 or 107 C.E.), Jacob and Zakharyah, leadership of the Nazirites passed to persons not of Jesus' family, and this enabled the Christians finally to dismiss the Nazirites as heretics and claim that they were the true heirs of Jesus' teachings."
- William Harwood, Mythologies Last Gods: Yahweh and Jesus"Eusebius reports that the Desposyni [the Master's people] - the descendants of Jesus's family... survived to become leaders of various Christian churches, according, it would seem, to a strict dynastic succession. Eusebius traces them to the time of the Emperor Trajan, A.D. 98-117."
Birth: probably on Monday, March 19, 7 BC, just after midnight on the 24th lunar day of the month of Qashot (Horoscope with Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Scorpio, Asc in Libra) (This is the year of the great conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, signifying the birth of the Jewish Messiah. Less notable stellar events also occured in 4 BC, the year of Herod's death).
- Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy"On 17 December 1603 the Tügingen-educated German astronomer John Kepler observed a striking conjunction of the planets Saturn and Jupiter in the constellation Pisces, and calculated that a similar conjunction must have occurred in 7 B.C.E. He speculated that this might have been the true year of Jesus' birth, it generally being agreed that the original dating of the nativity to the year 1 C.E., by the sixth century monk Dionysius Exiguus, derived from a miscalculation. Kepler found support for his theory in a Jewish rabbinical reference to the Messiah appearing when Saturn and Jupiter were in conjunction in the constellation of Pisces."
- Ian Wilson, Jesus, The Evidence"'In the east' is a mistranslation of en th anatolh which also means 'at first light of dawn' which, of course, comes from the east. If the triple conjunction of 7/6 BCE was interpreted by the gospel writers as the 'Star of Bethlehem,' it was indeed visible only at dawn and would have been viewed in the constellation of pisces in the southern sky....coincidentally over Bethlehem if one is traveling south from Jerusalem."
- Jack Kilmon (CrossTalk)
Appearance: Nazarite hairstyle (long hair, parted in the middle). Dark skinned. White seamless Essene Robe.Travels: Known to have gone to Egypt, Persia, India and Tibet. (See "St. Issa" text, Ouseley text, Cayce Readings).
Languages: Aramaic, Hebrew and Pali. Probably Greek and possibly Latin.
Important Dates:
25 AD, January 6th: Yesua (Jesus) miqvahed / baptized in the Jordan, at about 30 years of age, to remove ritual impurity by John the Baptist ... (a Saturday a few days after the full moon on the 3rd). (note: January 6th is the traditional, pre 4th century date, Cayce date and Orthodox date for Yeshua's immersion)
25 AD, January 6th to Febuary 16th - Yeshu spends 40 days fasting in the "wilderness."
25-28 AD, Febuary 16th 25 AD to April 23, 28 AD: Yeshua's ministry, foundation years of Nazarenism. (3 years, 2 months, and 7 days,)
28 AD, Apr 23: Yeshu the Nazarite (Jesus) crucified on the lunar Sabbath, Nisan 14th (Friday, April 23, 28 AD), [Ref: John, Unauthorized Version/Fox] {And at three o'clock, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani," <Aramaic> which translates to "My God, my God, why did you desert <sacrifice?> me?} -Mk15:34(Gaus). Some think Last Supper would have been Thursday evening, the sixth day of the lunar week. (23Apr28 and 7Apr30 possible Fri/14/Nisan crucifixion dates).
If Yeshu was crucified on Passover eve, 14th Nisan, 28 AD, His death would have been on the lunar Sabbath and fast day (a Friday afternoon), April 23rd, 28 AD (The beginning of Nisan should have been Friday, April 9th at dusk, just after the sun-moon conjunction in tropical Aries).
This would have made Yeshua just over 34 years old if born on Monday, January 6th, 7 BC, (24th lunar day of Qashot) giving Him 3 years, 3 months, and 17 days since His baptism on January 6th, 25 AD (a Saturday a few days after the full moon on the 3rd).
28 AD, June 26th: Yeshua the Nazarite (Jesus) confers Enshroudment (Priesthood) on Apostles at Pentecost in the 339th (Greek) year, according to the "Teachings of the Apostles." Dawn of the 1st day of the lunar week (a Saturday), June 26th, 28 AD - Full Pentecost Moon of Teomim. (This date is based on a New Moon conjunction in tropical Gemini at dusk on Friday, June 11th, 28 AD. It assumes that Pentecost is celebrated on the full moon of Teomim / Sivan, 50 days (not counting dark moon days) from the end of Passover).
If Pentecost /Shavuot is counted 50 days from the second day of Passover (including dark moon days), as in the Rabbinic school, then it falls on the 6th day of Sivan, not the 15th. This would be a Friday night, June 16th, and Saturday day, June 17, 28 AD. This date is not the first day of the week in either the lunar week calendar or the Rabbinical week day calendar, thus lending credence to a different Nazarene Shawui calendar and method for calculating Shavuot / Pentecost.
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