Texts useful for
forming a full comprehension of ancient Essene doctrines as they filtered down
and were altered by later generations of Gentile Christians.
Teachings of the Twelve Apostles Although this Syriac document seems to preserve older and truer traditions than many others similar to it, it cannot be a totally pure original Essene Nazarene document due to its various doctrinal errors, such as the traditional Catholic canon mentioned. These may be interpolations into a more ancient document, or may represent a mostly true, but partially corrupt, oral tradition put into writing at a later date. It contains many key points relevant to modern Nazarenes. This Syriac version of the Teachings which contains a 28C.E. date for Yeshu's crucifixion, and a different spiritual account of the transference of authority to the Twelve. It speaks of praying "toward the east", not Jerusalem; of first, fourth and seventh day meetings, Epiphany as being the chief festival, fresh bread for altars, etc.
The Didache: - The Lord's Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations. There are two ways, one of life and one of death, but a great difference between the two ways. More Catholic than the previous Syriac Teachings.
Sayings of the Desert Fathers - a few excerpts.
ST.AUGUSTIN ON THE MORALS OF THE MANICHAEANS. [DE MORIBUS MANICHAEORUM.] Augustin's ludicrous arguments against veganism. Written about A. D. 388 against the followers of Mani and their diet and beliefs. (Mani was raised as a Mandean but created his own gnostic spiritual path based on Yeshua (Jesus).
Cyril of Jerusalem - Lecture Preface
Cyril of Jerusalem - Lecture One
Cyril of Jerusalem - Lecture Two
Toledoth Yeshu: This is a derogatory version of the life of Yeshu (Jesus), growing out of the response of the Jewish community to Christianity. It contains some interesting legends concerning the corrupting influence of Paul. The tradition presented here is most commonly dated to approximately the 6th century CE. The text it self is closer to the 14th c. There is no scholarly consensus on to what extent the text might be a direct parody of a now lost gospel. H.J. Schonfield argued that it was so closely connected to the Gospel of the Hebrews that he attempted to reconstruct that lost work from the Toledoth.
The Patimokkha - The Bhikkhus' Code of Discipline - Rules for Buddhist Monks and Nuns.
Ptolemy's Commentary on the Gospel of John - Discusses the Gnostic Aeon ramifications of the Gospel prologue.
Vita S. Antoni [Life of St. Antony] - Athanasius of Alexandria: (Written between 356 AND 362) Saint Anthony is considered the "father" of monasticism in the Western Catholic Church, although many, more Essene, monastics preceded him. He sets the example of a good Essene gardener monk by planting and nurturing a desert garden:
"But when Antony saw that the bread was the cause of trouble and hardships to some of them, to spare the monks this, he resolved to ask some of those who came to bring him a spade, an axe, and a little corn. And when these were brought, he went over the land round the mountain, and having found a small plot of suitable ground, tilled it; and having a plentiful supply of water for watering, he sowed. This doing year by year, he got his bread from thence, rejoicing that thus he would be troublesome to no one, and because he kept himself from being a burden to anybody. But after this, seeing again that people came, he cultivated a few pot-herbs, that he who came to him might have some slight solace after the labour of that hard journey."
The Seven Sermons to the Dead: Transcribed
(Channeled) by Carl Gustav Jung.
Egeria's Description of the Liturgical Year in Jerusalem: Translation of an early pilgrims visit to Jerusalem about 333 C.E.
The Red Book - by Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin: A modern Gnostic philosopher who has here crystalized the philosophical thoughts of his early life in 800 sayings.
Eighty Aphorisms and Maxims of Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin.
Sayings of the Elder Paisios: Elder Paisios was born in Cappadocia on July 25, 1924 and died in 1994. He first visited Mt. Athos in 1949 after his time in the army. He returned in 1950 and, after a short time in the neighborhood of Karyes, settled in the Monastery of Esphigmenou. These sayings are his insight into human nature as it struggles to be divine.
Book of John the Evangelist: The Vienna MS. is rather imperfect at the end. Benoist derived his text from the Archives of the Inquisition at Carcassonne. The manuscript of it had this annotation in Latin: 'This is the secret book of the heretics of Concoreze, brought from Bulgaria by their bishop Nazarius; full of errors.'. "In its Latin dress the book can hardly be older than the twelfth century. The original might be of the sixth or seventh."
Secret Gospel of Mark - Translation by Morton Smith. The Secret Gospel of Mark, the text here, is only a portion of a scripture the author (said to be Clement of Alexandria) claims to be in the custody of the Headquarters of the Church in Alexandria, but whose existence is publicly refuted, so as to battle the copies circulated by the infamous sect of the Carpocrations . This letter was found by Morton Smith in the Mar Saba monastery, southeast of Jerusalem, in 1958.
Seven Hymns of the Faith by St. Ephraim of Syria - Translated by J.B. Morris
Yeshua's Hymn - Gnostic fragment of a Hymn sung at the Last Supper.
Nag Hammadhi
Texts useful for
forming a full comprehension of B'nai-Amen understandings.
Ptolemy's Letter to Flora from the Nag Hammadhi Library.
The Exegesis on the soul - from Nag Hammadhi codex II from the Nag Hammadhi Library.
The Gospel of Truth - from Nag Hammadhi codex II from the Nag Hammadhi Library.
The Treatise on the Resurrection - from Nag Hammadhi codex II from the Nag Hammadhi Library.
Dead Sea
Selected Texts
useful for forming a full comprehension of B'nai-Amen
Manual of Discipline
Parable of the Bountiful Tree
Secret of the Way Things Are
The Nazarenes of Mount Carmel
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